
Kids Street programs are as follows:

Toddler Program (Ages 18 month - 2.5 years)

  • Program offered Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday
  • 9am-11:30am
  • Children may come up to two mornings per week

Preschool Program (2.5 -5 years)

  • Morning program offered Tuesday and Thursday  mornings from 9am-11:30am

School Readiness  Monday and Wednesday (children that are enrolled or enrolling in JK the next school year.)

  • This program will help children attending Junior Kindergarten in September the following school year.
  • Program is offered on Monday and Wednesday
  • 9am-2:30pm
  • Children are to bring a nut free lunch from home, snack will be provided by Kids Street
© 2019 Kids Street Cooperative Nursery School Port Elgin, ON
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